
Here you will find all relevant information about the Kromatika Finance contributors.

Kromatika has transitioned into a DAO governance. Hence, the founding members have handed all their responsibilities to KromatikaDAO. The DAO is responsible now to steer this project forward.

The software underlying blockchain networks on which the Kromatika Protocol is deployed, including, for example, the Ethereum blockchain, is open source, which means that anyone can use, utilize, and build on top of it.

Software is hosted on Github:

Engineering guild

McFred - Full stack software developer. Bachelor in computer science and engineering. Great Web3, DeFi & NFT enthusiast.

Johnny Goodpick - Bachelor in computer science and engineering, been software architect for 5 years. Web3 and Solidity engineer. Problem solver. Has been building ambitious and innovative Web3 project involving a large stack of next-gen programming languages/framework for the last years.

Yosemite Sam - Software dev, with rich experience in front end, backend, qa and smart contract development.

EL Fuerte Dev - Full-Stack and Blockchain developer with experience in websites, web apps, decentralized apps, NFT projects, etc.

Growth guild

Crypto Insider - French Business Analyst from the finance environment. Handles the entire Project Management of Kromatika and is the liaise between the Devs and the rest of the team.

Dannyo - Crypto enthusiast for over 10 years now. Involved in DeFi and project-growth for further crypto-adoption. An integral part of the marketing team and community manager at Kromatika.

RichCulture - Personal trainer and crypto connoisseur. Enjoys proof-reading and marketing. Handles social networking and community manager at Kromatika.

Frtlitl1z - Financial business consultant that fell into the rabbit hole of DeFi and NFT's. Helps with creation of Pitch Deck, videos and certain visuals.

JB - has been in crypto for years now. He bought an expresso coffee for 0,005 bitcoin in 2015 (and never regretted it). Now he's crunching on-chain data to provide Kromatika team with insights on the Dapp users, usage and adoption.

TheDeFISaint - A DeFi enthusiast excited for the future of layer 2 & contributing to its growth through contents & writing.

Rio - Bricks and mortar marketer that ventured into the crypto sphere. Contributing through community management, visual creation and networking.

Last updated